About Doctor羅子焜 皮膚科主任
※ 皮膚科精準醫療:1.生物製劑(乾癬,異位性皮膚炎,結節性癢疹,慢性蕁麻疹)2.小分子標靶藥物(異位性皮膚炎,圓禿,白斑)
一般皮膚科、皮膚外科、皮膚美容、皮膚腫瘤、狐臭及多汗症、藥物疹、黑斑、老人斑、帶狀皰疹、青春痘、濕疹、酒糟性皮膚炎、毛髮疾病、白斑、乾癬、異位性皮膚炎、皮癬菌症、雷射治療、醫學美容、微整、電音波拉提(鳳凰電波)、皮膚病理※ 皮膚科精準醫療:1.生物製劑(乾癬,異位性皮膚炎,結節性癢疹,慢性蕁麻疹)2.小分子標靶藥物(異位性皮膚炎,圓禿,白斑)
【醫療新知】「雄性禿」搜尋量台南最高 多管齊下治療 改善掉髮問題
【醫療新知】患下肢潰瘍超過一年 「低能量雷射」治療助癒合
【疾病衛教】皮膚癌表現多變化 早期症狀有哪些
【疾病衛教】蟹足腫皮膚切除手術及五療法 祛退異常疤痕
General Medical Dermatology
-Acne, hair and nail disease, eczema, rosacea, cutaneous fungal infection (Tinea unguium, tinea corporis), drug eruption, vitiligo, psoriasis, hyperhidrosis
Surgical Dermatology
-Tumor excision, skin biopsies, electrosurgery, cryosurgery, intralesional steroid injections, laser surgery and treatment of hyperhidrosis and bromhidrosis.
Skin Cancer Screening and Surveillance
-Detection of cancerous change in pre-existing or new moles
Aesthetic Dermatology
-Acne scar combination therapy
-Laser-assisted hair removal, chemical peel, laser-assisted pigment removal, removal of mole, skin tag, seborrheic keratosis, warts.
Paediatric Dermatology
-Atopic dermatitis, Arthropod reaction.
- Bullous pemphigoid, pemphigus vulgaris or foliaceus, cutaneous lupus erythematosus, vasculitis of the skin and dermatomyositis.
- Narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy unit for full body treatment
- Targeted localized phototherapy
- 安南醫院皮膚科主任
- 安南醫院美容醫學中心主治醫師
- 國立成功大學醫學系
- 台積電特聘南科廠安康診所皮膚科主治醫師
- 中華民國皮膚科專科醫師
- 台灣皮膚暨美容外科醫學會專科醫師
- 台灣皮膚科醫學會會員
- 台灣皮膚暨美容外科醫學會(TSDAS)會員
- 美國紐約 Ackerman Academy 皮膚病理研究員
- 美國紐約紀念斯隆凱特琳癌症中心(Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)皮膚科繼續醫學教育研習
- 成功大學附設醫院皮膚部總醫師、臨床教師
- 成功大學附設醫院不分科住院醫師
- 新加坡國立大學皮膚部觀察員
- 韓國延世大學附屬醫院皮膚外科研習
- MiraDry清新微波 原廠認證醫師
- Sculptra 舒顏萃 原廠認證醫師
- Dermatologica Sinica 中華皮膚科醫學雜誌 審稿委員
- Case Reports in Dermatological Medicine 審稿委員
- Australasian Journal of Dermatology 審稿委員
- Dermatologic Therapy 審稿委員
- 專題演講:
- 1. 2023/04/16 台灣皮膚科光電醫學會研討會 演講主題: 從光動力治療巨大Bowen’s disease看光動力治療癌症之優缺點
- 2. 2023/05/29 南科台積電線上專題演講 主題: 對抗落髮,找對方法
- 3. 2023/07/22 護理機構有效照護之全人護理與實證應用培訓課程 演講主題: 高齡族群常見的皮膚健康問題與處置
- 4. 2023/10/02 安安婦幼診所全院演講 主題:惱人新冠落髮危機處理及日常頭皮保健
- 5. 2023/10/23 康是美藥師講座 主題:保養與照護頭髮 及 頭皮異敏肌 & 乾性肌
- 6. 2024/01/19 安南醫院兒科部演講 主題: CIBINQO: The Novel Oral Treatment for Adolescents in Moderate to Severe AD
- 7. 2024/01/22 安寶產後護理中心演講 主題: 對抗落髮,找對方法
- 8. 2024/01/28 安安婦幼診所媽媽教室 主題:惱人產後落髮危機處理及日常頭皮保健
- 9. 2024/03/26 安南醫院全院性跨領域團隊合作 全人照護教學 主題: 疥瘡
- 10. 2024/05/16 安南醫院家醫科演講 主題: A new complementary treatment approach in the AD management
{Journal Papers}
1. Yi-Kai Hong , Daw-Yang Hwang , Chao-Chun Yang , Siao Muk Cheng , Peng-Chieh Chen , Wilson Jr Aala , Hans I‐Chen Harn , Spencer T. Evans , Alexandros Onoufriadis , Si-Lin Liu , Yu-Chen Lin , Yi-Han Chang , Tzu-Kun Lo , Kuo-Shu Hung , Yi-Chao Lee , Ming-Jer Tang , Kurt Q. Lu , John A. McGrath , Chao-Kai Hsu. Profibrotic Subsets of SPP1+ Macrophages and POSTN+ Fibroblasts Contribute to Fibrotic Scarring in Acne Keloidalis. Journal of Investigative Dermatology Available online 11 January 2024.
2. Tzu-Kun Lo, Chao-Chung Yang, Julia Yu-Yun Lee, Chao-Kai Hsu. Serial punch excisions followed by second-intention healing for acne keloidalis papules. JAAD 2023 Oct.
3. Tzu-Kun Lo, Yu-Chen Chen, Wei-Ting Liu, Tak-Wah Wong. Successful treatment of giant Bowen's disease with photodynamic therapy and subsequent imiquimod in a case with chronic arsenic exposure. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy 2022 September 20.
4. Chung-Fu Li, Szu-Yu Liu, Tzu-Kun Lo, Julia Yu-Yun Lee, Po-Lan Su. Successful erlotinib rechallenge in an EGFR-mutant metastaticnon-small cell lung cancer patient with afatinib-induced drug rashwith eosinophilia and systemic symptoms: A case report. Thoracic Cancer 2021 December 16.
5. K.-Y. Chen, S.-H. Lin, S.-Y. Cheng, T.-K. Lo, H.-Y. Huang, M.-J. Tang, C.-C. Yang. Androgenetic alopecia is associated with increased scalp hardness. JEADV 2020 January 15.
6. An-Yu Cheng, Chaw-Ning Lee, Fu-Nien Hsieh, Tzu-Kun Lo, Hsin-Yu Huang, Chao-Kai Hsu, Julia Yu-Yun Lee, Chao-Chun Yang.“Spade sign” and inflammation/fibrosis limited to the upper and mid-dermis as the pathognomonic features of acne keloidalis. JDA 2019 October 23
7. Tzu-Kun Lo, Julia Yu-Yun Lee. Cutaneous cryptococcoma in association with CD4 lymphocytopenia: A patient with multiple sclerosis treated with fingolimod. Dermatol Sin 2020 June 24
8. Tzu-Kun Lo, Chao-Kai Hsu, Su-Ting Hsin, Jiunn-Liang Wu, Julia Yu-Yun Lee. Bilateral auricular ossificans with stenosis of external ear canals and hearing loss caused by primary hyperparathyroidism: A case report. Dermatol Sin 2020 December 16
9. Tzu-Kun Lo, Kung-Chao Chang, Chia-Bao Chu, Julia Yu-Yun Lee. CD68-negative nonlipidized juvenile xanthogranuloma. Dermatol Sin 2017 September
{Conference Papers}
1.Nonlipidized juvenile xanthogranuloma: a case report. The 42th Annual meeting of TDA, Taipei, November 2016.
2.Sweet syndrome in a patient with cervical lymphadenitis caused by Mycobacterium fortuitum. The 43rd Annual meeting of TDA, Taipei, November 2017
3.CD68-negative nonlipidized juvenile xanthogranuloma, a case series. The 44th Annual meeting of TDA, Taipei, November 2018.
4.A case of cutaneous cryptococcoma with multiple sclerosis treated with Fingolimod. The 45th Annual meeting of TDA, Kaohsiung, December 2019.
5.Serial punch excisions followed by secondary intention healing for acne keloidalis. The 46th Annual meeting of TDA, Kaohsiung, November 2020.
6. Successful treatment of a large Bowen’s disease with photodynamic therapy: A case report. MWC Asia-TDAC 9th, Taipei, May 2022.
個別型,ANHRF112-07,程大川(Da-Chuan Cheng),附醫院內計畫,智慧型黑色素瘤早期診斷系統研發,2023.8.1~2024.7.31